So... I was in the library studying with Nadine and Bobbi when we were discussing DVT's and varicose veins...
I happen to have one! So I brought it up and Bobbi wanted to see it.
As I was rolling up my pants to expose my vein, I realized that skinny jeans do not roll up very easily...
I was determined to show my vein so I continued to pull up my pant leg higher and higher.
As my pants went higher and higher I recognized that circulation was rapidly decreasing from my leg....
I was only INCHES away from the vein so I kept pulling. I tugged and rolled until I could no longer tug and roll.
Once I realized I was not going to be able to get my pant leg over my calf, it was already too late.
I was in excruciating pain.
As I verbalized my discomfort, my voice slowly escalated into a cry for help
help. help! HELP!! but my fellow companions were too busy laughing hysterically.
Once I realized I would be unable to accomplish the task on my own,
I made direct contact with a bawling her eyes out from laughter Nadine and said,
"Nadine! I need your help!"
...I was terrified I would have no leg in mere minutes.
Her countenance completed changed as she rushed to the other side of the table to assist me in rolling my pants back down.
I was exclaiming "My leg's turning blue!" and "OWWWWWW!"
Nadine offered encouraging words through her laughter and tugs to get my pant-leg down safely.
"Everything will be fine!" "I'll take good care of you"
I went on to yell "It hurts! Stop! It hurts!"
She told me "I know, but the pain will be over once you stop kicking and let me get your pant leg down!"
For the next ten seconds of crying from pain and embarrassment, Nadine was able to save the day.
She maneuvered, yanked, tugged, and pulled despite my screaming
Immediate relief was experienced once blood flow returned to my extremity.
Moments later after a sincere bout of laughing, crying, and inabilities to breathe, we regained the ability to speak.
I asked how Nadine knew that we were indeed in a serious situation.
She explained with teary eyes and a serious laughing tone, "I could hear it in your voice! You needed my help!"
Moral of the Story...
Nadine Mickelsen is a great friend,
she will be a great nurse,
and don't try to roll up skinny jeans passed your calves...
Died when I read this. Seriously can see this happening to only you! Love you Hanna bannna. I miss you mucho!