I gave a talk this past sunday in sacrament meeting about Moroni and the Title of Liberty.
I'm pretty sure it went well. I spent much longer than I'd like to admit on it... but somehow I didn't get behind on my homework! When the guy called me, he said there were going to be five of us talking about it so I though I'd take the liberty to talk about whatever I wanted and everyone would still be able to leave sacrament meeting knowing more about the Title of Lib. When I first read the scriptures (in Alma 46: 12-13) I was thinking about the freedoms we have here in American and once again how greatful I am for all the service women and men who have risked (and sometimes lost) their lives so that we can continue to be free! I will still be able to go for a run after dark and take my kids to the park during the day without needing to fear. It is such a comfort that we are safe here! Moroni's people were at risk of losing that safety and comfort. For my talk I decided to focus more on Moroni and the influence he had on his men. He was just one person. One man. He started out just like any of us, but he grew to be one of the more well known and influential people in the scriptures! He set a standard, inspired people to reach it, and led them into victory. Anyone of us can use that in our lives influence people for good. Find a Title of Liberty for yourself, place it somewhere that it can be a constant reminder to you of why you are fighting against Satan, and inspire others to do the same. Moroni was just one man, but he inspired THOUSANDS of men. We can too. :)
hannah, talk about being amazing! i adore you and i wish we were closer in distance. i dont like you far far away. i feel like i have so much to learn from my dear best friend hannah louise. serious, you rock and roll. your the one on my blog roll i get most excited about to see you've posted something new. i lover you.