Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Probably the Most Important Advice You'll Ever Read

How to be Chuck Bass

.How to be Chuck Bassthumbnail

I am Chuck Bass
Moderately Easy


Those bow ties! That sneer! Those condescending, degrading, misogynistic quips! Here is the How-to on being the mythological anti-hero that is Charles Bartholomew Bass

    • Begin and end sentences by saying, "I am (insert first and last name)".
      Don't ever let people forget who you are.

    • 2

      For daywear, embrace the three P's- purple, plaid, and preppy.
      No color is too bold, no pattern is too tacky, and no outfit is too Hamptons-d*uchey for a Chuck Bass wannabe.

    • 3

      For nightwear, embrace the three V's- vests, velvet, and Valentino.
      Chuck Bass just doesn't party at night, he IS the night.

    • 4

      Two words: bow ties.
      Women love a man who has a sophisticated style. Think of Cary Grant but 17 years-old and drunk.

    • 5

      Purse lips, raise left eyebrow, and lightly whisper in all conversations
      Act like it's near painful to engage in conversation with a person all the while coldly judging them.

    • 6

      Walk with a swagger that looks like there is a stick shoved way up your butt. No matter how ridiculous it looks, people will find it sexy as long as you follow all the steps listed in this ehow.

    • 7

      Learn to appreciate fine wines, ports, and liquors and make sure to carry a full glass on the rocks wherever you go (parties, shopping, school).

    • 8

      Vacation in exotic locations via private jet, all the while wearing gaudy clothing and perpetuating the Ugly American belief.

    • 9

      Pay people like chauffeurs, bodyguards, and escorts to hang around you so you feel like you have friends.

    • 10

      Sleep with any woman that comes your way. If she doesn't give into your Machiavelli advances, say something like, "Your looks bore me" or "Do you know who I am? I'm (insert first and last name)." (see Step 1)

    • 11

      Try to cause pointless and detrimental damage to your friends' social life for no reason other than that you can.

    • 12

      Try desperately to win the approval of your soulless and emotionally inept father, all the while neglecting the obvious fact that you're turning into him.

    • 13

      Instead of telling the woman of your dreams that you love her, mentally torture her.

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